Recently we had a 34 year old women presenting with per rectal bleeding, mucous passage and lower abdominal pain worsening for last 2 months. She also had a diarrhea with a frequency of bowel opening of about 6 times a day.
Considering her age and the predominant bowel symptoms, it was highly suggestive that she could be suffering from an inflammatory bowel disease.
Once she was stabilized with initial medical treatment, we performed an endoscopic examination of large bowel to confirm the diagnosis.
Following video shows a severely inflammed bowel from spleenic flexure downwards.
Histology confirmed ulcerative colitis and patient was referred to the medical Gastroenterologist for medical management.
Ulcerative Colitis
Ulcerative colitis is a condition affecting the large bowel. It causes inflammation (reaction that happens at the cellular level which leads to swelling, redness and destruction of cells) of a continuous segment of large bowel from anus upwards. Cells of the superficial layer of the affected bowel segment is destroyed leading to wounds within the bowel wall.
This condition is described under a broad term called inflammatory bowel disease. Other condition in this group is crohn disease, which is in contrast to ulcerative colitis can affect the full thickness of the bowel wall and can affect intestines from mouth to anus.
Ulcerative Colitis
Ulcerative colitis is a condition affecting the large bowel. It causes inflammation (reaction that happens at the cellular level which leads to swelling, redness and destruction of cells) of a continuous segment of large bowel from anus upwards. Cells of the superficial layer of the affected bowel segment is destroyed leading to wounds within the bowel wall.
This condition is described under a broad term called inflammatory bowel disease. Other condition in this group is crohn disease, which is in contrast to ulcerative colitis can affect the full thickness of the bowel wall and can affect intestines from mouth to anus.