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Is Colonoscopy Safe? Can there be complications?

Any medical procedure is not without complications. Colonoscopy even though regarded as a very much a safe procedure, can have devastating complications if done in an unsafe manner. Following are some of the complications that can occur during colonoscopy.

Bowel Perforation

Bowel injuries can occur in different circumstances during colonoscopy. Generally, rate at which these occurs is estimated to be around 1 in 1000 to 1 in 2000.

When the colon is already diseased with weak bowel wall, the endoscope can easily damage the bowel wall. 

Examples of such conditions include,
  • Diverticular disease
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Colonic tumours
In these situations, endoscopist will act with due diligence to carry out the procedure safely, anticipating complications.

Other instance is when the procedure is done in an unsafe manner. Specially when the bowel is prepared inadequately where stools are still present with-in the colon. In this situation, the visibility to proceed is low leading to inadvertent injuries to bowel wall. Safest option in this situation would be to abandon the procedure and re-do after a proper bowel preparation. This is why the instruction for bowel preparation should be followed carefully to make sure that the bowel is cleansed well before the procedure.

Endoscopist would always proceed along the colon under direct vision or along the bowel wall, thus not exerting excessive pressure on the wall. If excessive force applied inadvertent bowel injuries can occur even without a diseased bowel wall.


Procedure is done under conscious sedation meaning that you are awake, but sleepy and given pain killers. However much the endoscopist would like not to cause any pain to the patient, some patients will eventually experience some pain. Some may even experience severe pain, that might lead to abandoning of the procedure.

One of the main reasons for pain during endoscopy is looping of the instrument inside the bowel (check the image below).

With this looping there will be excessive stretching of the bowel wall which cause excessive pain. But an experienced endoscopist would know when the instrument is getting looped and would take necessary measures to avoid looping of the endoscope.

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